That the faculty be a leader in medical academic excellence and health research locally and globally, distinguished in medical knowledge, and capable of linking medical programmes and scientific research to advance the country’s development. | The Faculty of Medicine, El Sheikh Abdallah El-Badri University, is committed to applying Islamic values and principles of social accountability and providing high-quality educational programmes to obtain a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery, by providing academic and research services based on quality and international standards that are responsible for raising the efficiency of students to graduate doctors capable of assuming the responsibility of science and work. To interact with the local and international community. | -Achieving high quality in the educational programme for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery.
– Graduating students capable of performing their duties in accordance with Islamic regulations and ethics.
-Achieving and maintaining research excellence related to health and disease.
Spreading a culture of community involvement through health services.
-Creating new opportunities to obtain a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery.
-Establishing cultural relations with its affiliates from local and international universities.
To become a global Faculty in the field of medicine and health research. |