Faculty of Medicine

Faculty Dean

Dean Acknowledgement
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His truthful and trustworthy Messenger and his good and pure family. Firstly, it is the completeness of success and the splendour of endings  that ideas and ambitions are transformed into concrete visible reality  for the sake of mission accomplishment and achievement of objectives. This why the faculty of Medicine at El Sheikh Abdallah El Badri University came in to being, with these meanings, having unlimited support of the founder and administration to subjugate all means and capabilities required for success and realisation of mission and objectives. The aim is to provide high quality medicine education based on reasonable knowledge for the medical student that motivates and arouses creativity and experience. I would also like to thank the former deans of the faculty, the medical staff, and the employees for the efforts exerted and are making for the sake of the faculty’s distinction and elevation. In conclusion, we are highly confident that the future of this faculty is bright, due to the great interest in its infrastructure and human competencies, in order to achieve the desired goal. Today’s distinctive , hardworking student is tomorrow’s brilliant and qualified doctor. Allah is the Grantor of success    

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